Singer Sewing Skills

Singer Sewing Skills
Singer Sewing Skills

I love to collect everything Singer. I found this “Singer Sewing Skills” project material stuffed inside a sewing machine drawer in an old barn. It was available to “class members only” for a whopping $2.95. It has a picture of the beloved 301 Singer on it. The envelope was dated 1954. It came with a reference book dated 1955 for 95 cents. There are 6 lessons in the package and the person this belonged to only finished two lessons.

The six little wax paper packages contain the fabric for the lessons. The first lesson even included paper to practice following stitching lines without thread. That seems pretty basic to us who have years of experience. But I can just imagine how much excitement it was for a first time seamstress. She probably bought herself or was gifted a Singer machine. During those days, most young girls took Home Economics in school and learned how to sew. In my thinking most women that took the classes at the Singer Centers were probably housewives wanting to sew for their family.

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