

Crocheting is something I like to do when I am too tired to sew or quilt. Somewhere I saw a picture of someone using a pretty teapot to keep their ball of yarn in while crocheting. What I make most are dish cloths and hot pads using Peaches ’n Creme 100% cotton yarn. I started looking for a teapot with a large enough opening for a ball of my yarn. I found plenty of pretty teapots, but none big enough. Finally I found this Drip-O-lator coffee pot. It is the perfect size! Including the lid, it is 7” tall and the opening is 4-3/8” wide. Originally it would have come with an aluminum coffee “basket” that sat on top of the ceramic pot. With grounds in the basket, you pour very hot water in, place the ceramic lid on top and the hot coffee drips into the pot. Mine did not come with the coffee basket. Check out the link below that tells about the Enterprise Aluminum Company that made these. According to the article, these came into production as early as 1915.

Pictured are some of the things that came off my crochet hook. I got the pattern for the hot pad from Pinterest. A couple of the spool pin doilies from the internet. The others are my own creation. I found quite a few patterns for the dishcloths on the internet, but they didn’t work for me. Most of them were to bulky/heavy when wet, so I made my own pattern. If you have never tried crocheted dishcloths, you should. They work wonderfully. I keep at least 10 at all times so I can have a fresh one every time I do dishes. You do want to hang them somewhere to dry after using.

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