Other Vintage Finds

Other Vintage Finds

Other Vintage Finds

Vintage Needle Threaders


There are lots of other vintage needle threaders out there. The Thread-A-Matic seems to be a little fancy version of the small and less expensive ones.

Vintage Skirt Markers

There were several different companies that made skirt markers. We all know the name Dritz. Here are two examples of the Dritz skirt markers. The one on the left has indentions for the pins to go through. For anyone who has never used a skirt marker – the person wearing the skirt/dress to be hemmed stands with the measuring stick behind the fabric. The person pinning the hem folds the hem up to desired length using the measuring stick, clamps the fabric with the mechanism and pins all the way around as the person wearing the garment turns around little by little to allow the hem to be accurately pinned. The skirt marker on the right looks to be older and has a ceramic base.

This Singer skirt marker uses chalk rather than pins to mark the hem. The chalk powder goes in the small container. Missing is the tube and squeeze bulb that makes the chalk “puff” out of the container. You would mark the hem with chalk as the person wearing the garment turns to allow for marking all the way around the skirt/dress. With this marker, the measuring stick would not be under the fabric, rather out as to mark the fabric from the right side of the garment.

Then there are the “Pin-It” brand skirt markers. They work the same as the other pinning-type markers. You merely adjust the metal clamping mechanism to the proper height and pin away. I especially like the the one with the pin cushion incorporated.

There is even a more compact skirt marker. This one attaches to a door with a metal clamp positioned at the desired height. The container is filled with chalk powder and you simply press the bulb to mark your dress or skirt hemline. What could be easier? There are so many things from days past that are no longer in production. What a shame, there were a lot of genius things that were very helpful.

Vintage Thread Storage

Zierold thread caddy

This vintage Zierold thread caddy was patented in 1950. I couldn’t find any information on the Zierold Manufacturing Company in Burbank, CA where it was made. I would love to know if they made other products, especially sewing related. This one has a pinkish tint to it. I have seen pictures of them in blue. What a nice accompaniment this would be for someone with a two-spool machine – like an Eldridge that uses the 2nd spool as a bobbin. I am still searching for that machine. When I first saw this, it had a few spools of thread on it. I wasn’t certain that is was meant to be a thread caddy. I took a chance and bought it – It is proudly displayed amongst my other vintage treasures.

This cute clamshell thread holder has no manufacturer name, but is stamped “Made in USA.” It opens up to not only hold the thread, but has two small compartments for “Thimbles etc” and “Pins Buttons”. There are little slits all around the clamshell to pull the thread through. What a sweet little treasure this was for someone.

Tidee Maid” thread box

This “Tidee Maid” thread box holds 14 small wooden spools of thread. The little metal tabs you see on the top of the lid are actually thread cutters. The thread comes out of a slot beside each spool and you cut the length of thread you want. What a great little invention! Sure beats a box of tangled threads.

Avant Ladyfingers Sewing Compact

This little sewing compact looks to be from the 1950-60’s. I remember wooden spools of thread being available when I took Home Economics in 1965-1966. The top layer with the spools of thread flips back to reveal 9 little flip up compartments for sewing notions. As you can see on the order form, you could get replacement spools of thread – 20 colors for $1 or 12 spools for 60 cents. from the Lily Mills Company in Shelby, NC. Sadly they are no longer in business. According to sources, they were founded in 1903 as Lily Mill and Power Company and produced a huge range of threads and yarns. Like all the other thread mills, they developed their own line of instruction books for weaving, crochet, knitting, tatting, rug hooking – any fiber art that would help sell their yarns. Pongee is one of the colors of thread you could order. I had never heard of it. According to the internet, it is an off white, beige tint color.
So many things of yesteryear are gone. When seen, they spark a feeling of nostalgia.

This cute little thread holder has “Victory of Chicago” embossed on the bottom. It’s from 1940s to 1950s. It is celluloid plastic that is not as sturdy as the present day plastic, but much prettier. It holds 12 small wooden spools of thread. What a nice way to keep your thread organized back in the day. Since we don’t use these threads anymore, it is a nice addition to my vintage decor.

Darning Eggs

Can you imagine darning socks in this day and age? This Foot Form sock darning egg is stamped Nov 1907. In that day and age I suppose the saying “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without” was taken to heart. I do believe in waste not, want not. However, out of curiosity I tried darning a sock. I even googled the instructions on how to properly darn a sock. Needless to say, my worn-out socks become rags for staining, painting etc.

Darning eggs come in lots of shapes and sizes. There are even glass ones, which I do not own. They are a bit pricy. Here are two others I own