Other Singer Items

Other Singer Items

Other Singer Items

Singer stool

This Singer stool would have been used by a Singer sewing machine technician. It originally had a back on it. When I found it, the back was long gone. The metal was rusty and dirty and the seat was dry in need of refinishing. However it was still in decent shape. I’m not a huge person, so I sat on the stool to see how comfortable it was. I liked it, paid for it and headed home. By the time I got home the wooden seat comprised of 3 layers starting totally coming apart. (Guess I was big enough to bust the old glue loose.) The top layer was even bowing up. After soaking in water, being weighed down and drying for weeks, I was able to put the layers back together. After a spa day of paint, stain and polyurethane it is back to its old glory.

Singer Fashion Aids Attachments Case

These cases would have been filled with all sorts of wonderful attachments. Originally, inside the lid would have been a diagram of where the various attachments go. What a great way to keep all your attachments and feet stored. I understand they were filled with standard attachments and some others had the more rare attachments. This one came with a 2-thread embroidery attachment, Singercraft guide, pinker and some standard attachments. The divided insert comes out, so you could use it for fabric or whatever the need may be. Pictured is a small draw-string bag that held the smaller feet, etc. This one came from a humid environment, so the bag has rust marks from the contents of the bag. These must have been quite the extravagance back in the day, as they are pretty rare. I had a solid black one and I understand they also came in blue and brown. The black one I had is the only one I have ever seen that had the original handle. The handles were quite flimsy, made of something like covered cardboard. The one pictured here has a replacement handle made of pleather and screw-on rivets from the Tandy Company.

Singer Needle Threaders

Singer’s needle threaders are quite efficient. They have a tiny hook attached to the main body of the threader. You simply push the hook through the needle of your machine, place your thread in the hook and pull the hook out of the needle and your needle is threaded. They came with a couple of extra hooks so you could replace them, as they just screw on. The first picture is one I got from Germany. The last two pictures are a different version of the threader. It has two little “jaws” that straddle the needle. You just move the threader up or down til the threader hooks slips into the needle. They are both easy to use and do make it faster to thread your needle. These can also be used to thread hand-sewing needles. I looked through my stash and found yet another version of the Singer needle threader. See the pictured black-side threader. Not only is it different in color, but the end is turned at a right angle. This must have been made for a machine needle that threads from from to back.

Singer Universal Needle Threader

I have found many Singer needle threaders over the years, but never in the original package with the instructions. It even has extra thread hooks in the package. Fortunately I can still thread a needle without help, but just in case…..